Womxn Using Therapy to Improve Relationship to Body & Hormonal Health


Do you often...

  • Dread or fear the time of month when your period is around the corner?

  • Feel like you are a different person due to mood swings and irritability premenstrually? 

  • Wonder what it would be like to have a less painful period?

  • Experience conditions such as PMS, PMDD, PCOS, Fibroids, Breast Pain or Endometriosis and wish there was someone who understood you?

  • Feel discouraged by the way society treats Womxn’s Health

  • Want to cultivate a more wholesome, loving and thriving relationship with your body?

How can I use therapy to improve my relationship to my body and hormonal health? 

Working therapeutically whether through yoga, art therapy or psychotherapy to address the Menstrual Cycle, PMS, PMDD, PCOS, Fibroids, Breast Pain and Endometriosis or other concerns, is a chance to encourage healing and compassion towards our body and reproductive system that is inherently emotional. 

What does it mean to reframe my relationship with a symptom or body related emotional experience? 

If you are someone who experiences amplified emotions or somatic symptoms during the time before menstruation, working with a therapist is a chance to reframe your relationship with that period of time. For example, with a therapist you may uncover symbolically the meaning of your symptoms and work towards greeting them with ease, adapting an attitude of radical self care, and be guided in your emotional process of visiting a doctor or choosing a birth control method.  Perhaps it can be looked at as a chance to comprehend a thought pattern that reoccurs at that time of month or sign that your body is asking you to rest or slow down. This treatment can also be adapted to those who are not cycling such as individuals going through cancer treatment, post-menopause, or transgender folks through connecting to a cyclical nature. 

For those who are not familiar the word Womxn using an X suggests an intersectional approach to the word womxn. All clients are encouraged to share pronouns and identities  when introducing themselves. Also working therapeutically through hormonal health and somatic symptoms is not a replacement for medical advice, rather a place to explore one’s emotional relationship to their body. 

Contact us to know more about how somatic therapy can help you in your journey.

Somatic TherapyMary Breen