Liminal Waves


Liminal space is the time between what was and what is next. It is a place of transition, of waiting, and of not knowing. Liminal space is where transformation takes place.

Our relationship to time has been a theme for many of us over the past several months. This July feels particularly destabilizing and what shows up for me, shows up in my practice. Or maybe it’s the other way around. Or maybe — it’s just all around.

This July is extra watery. The air is heavy, wet, and slow. Confusing communications, heart feelings, grief — so much grief.

Reminders of what’s left to finish. What to let go of. How will we exist in this space? What will our transformation be through this time?

Lying in bed, reviewing the montage of my life and really feeling time these days. With each new breath, a wave of gratitude. Breath out, a wave of grief. And so on.

CONTACT US for gentle guidance on ANXIETY THERAPY.