Anxiety at School: Making the Most Out of a New School Year for College Students


Whether it’s your first day of college or the beginning of your senior year, the start of a new academic year can come with a lot of overwhelming thoughts. It is important to acknowledge those thoughts but keep an open mind, and thus, there can be a world of new experiences on the horizon.

Navigating The Nerves

A new school year is filled with new experiences. Maybe you’re moving into a dorm with hundreds of other freshmen. You might be moving into a sorority or fraternity house for the first time. During this time period, there is so much unknown regarding the people you are going to surround yourself with and what your classes are going to be like. It is important to keep your thoughts in check and try to ground yourself when these thoughts start taking over your mind. 

Something as simple as taking a walk around campus can ease your nerves. Breathwork and yoga can also help keep your body in a mindful state. By keeping these things in mind, your brain can have the ability to enjoy the change instead of dwelling on the potential negatives.

Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Our bodies tend to be resistant to change. We like the way our own little world operates and having to adapt to new changes can feel daunting. However, with this change comes growth. If we were to stay in our own routines, we would not be able to learn from new experiences. It is important to keep this in mind when picturing what you want your semester to look like. Maybe this looks like joining a club on campus or participating in an intramural sport. Maybe it looks like taking a walk across the hall and getting to know your neighbors. 

Taking those steps out of your comfort zone can feel very unsettling and nerve wracking. When these thoughts start to take over, it can be helpful to play out the situation. This can lead you to realizing that the benefits of these interactions will probably outweigh the initial hesitation that comes with a new experience.

Seeking Connection

One of the greatest parts of college is meeting people that you know will leave a large impact on your life. While it can be intimidating, introducing yourself to new people can open the door to connections that you didn't know existed. Grabbing a coffee or introducing yourself to the person sitting next to you in class can be the start of an amazing friendship.

Dating in college can be tricky to navigate as well. This process can be anxiety-inducing and extremely scary. There is a level of both physical and emotional vulnerability that comes with opening up to a romantic partner. While these connections certainly come with potential risks, a key point to keep in mind is that growth will come from these connections, even if they are hurtful. 

You’re Not Alone

The start of a school year can feel incredibly lonely. As a freshman, you may be in a situation where you do not know another person in your dorm and everyone is a stranger. As a junior or a senior, maybe you find yourself in a new major, sitting in a room full of people who have taken classes together for a couple years now. A key thing to remember is that there are so many people who are in the same boat as you! All freshmen are going into college having no idea what to expect, and odds are they are just as nervous as you are to introduce themselves to others. If you’re in the middle of college, there are still plenty of people who are in the same boat as you, whether it is changing majors or simply wanting to meet a new group of friends.

Keeping in mind that you are not alone in your feelings can make your large college campus feel much smaller. When you are able to open up to others about what you are experiencing, there is a large potential that this vulnerability will be reciprocated. While these new encounters can come with fear, these are the experiences that will make your college years worthwhile. 

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- Ava Kaplan, LMSW

Anxiety TherapyMary Breen