Anxiety Treatment at Repose Therapy Can Help!

Anxiety is interwoven into almost every part of our society. Many people struggle to overcome their anxiety and stress. This can hold you back, leave you paralyzed, and unable to move forward. Anxiety is commonly intertwined in cases of depression and trauma for many individuals. However, at Repose Therapy, we know the power that holistic psychotherapy holds in healing trauma, anxiety & depression. See how anxiety treatment in New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey can be a healthy support for you!

Man in dark upset. You're more than your chronic stress and anxiety says. Our online therapists offer anxiety treatment in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Call now for support!

Holistic Wellness and Understanding Your Body!

At Repose Therapy, we believe in the efficacy of holistic wellness. What does that mean? It means that we take into account everything that makes you, you! That includes your mind, body, and spirit. We need to address the environment we come from and the emotions themselves. You are integrated into the world around you, meaning we cannot isolate these parts of you to work on creating a better you. Therefore, we want to help you understand these components and find a way to find calm in an already chaotic world. That means in therapy, it is important to not only understand what is happening but why it is happening. Psycho-education is a huge part of understanding yourself better. Together we will learn about you to help you develop healthy coping skills and prevention for the future. 

What Is the Relaxation Response?

How do you feel when you’re stressed or anxious? Consider all the mental and physical things that come up for you. Now consider what would happen if you could tap into what is called the relaxation response. This is a skill that allows you to counteract some of the stress in your life and environment. The goal of this is to engage in conscious relaxation. We will acknowledge what is going on currently and together find a way to integrate calm and promote wellness in all areas of your life. It is a process and takes education to understand triggers, but it can help you find a more peaceful way to function in the world. 

Woman in black and white with eyes closed. You're more than your anxiety says. Anxiety treatment in New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey. With online therapy you can get support in a safe space. Call now!

Is Breath-Work Really for Me?

Breathwork takes time, discipline, and practice. One session of breathwork practice may give you momentary relief, however, continued practice makes it an automatic response to stress. Think about it, what happens when anxiety and chronic stress show up. Your heart rate increases, your breathing becomes shallow and rapid, and your blood pressure begins to rise. Your thoughts start reeling and either your freeze or go into flight mode. This isn’t helpful especially when you’re experiencing chronic stress. Breathwork, with practice, can help you undo the effects of stress. Our goal with this strategy is to reduce the effects of anxiety, depression, and trauma.

Is There a Connection Between Anxiety & Depression?

Commonly people we see have issues with anxiety and chronic stress. What does this mean? It means that individuals who are under constant stress from work, school, family, and life transitions are focused immensely on what is in front of them so often, that they neglect to do the basics. Like, taking care of themselves. This leads to burnout, dissatisfaction, and ultimately increases their risk of depression. Oftentimes, when we look to understand anxiety and depression, we assume that depression can only be present due to hard circumstances like bad news or a loss. However, depression has been shown to show up even in the good times. Anxiety and depression manifest due to different reasons, yet their symptomology is the same and often shows up at the same time. This is why screening for depression or even trauma when someone is stressed or anxious is key to giving you the best care possible. In anxiety treatment in New Jersey, Connecticut, or New York, we may cover topics related to depression and trauma as our anxiety therapists know there is a link between these issues.

Why is it important to manage stress for a fulfilling career or success in academics?

Let’s be honest, we have all come close to a deadline at work or school because of a sudden influx of work or poor time management. How did that moment feel? There was likely a sigh of relief, but there was also a replay in your mind of “ how could this have been avoided?”. Sometimes people thrive when working last minute, but most of us don’t. The thought of getting things done on time with time to spare would be a dream. So if we are always dealing with an influx of work, overload at school, and we barely have time for ourselves, how is that a fulfilling or enjoyable life. Chances are you would get burnt out very quickly. When we find meaning and purpose in our job, life is lighter. Even though working may not be your priority, it is a necessity. Therefore, finding meaning is what matters. Chronic stress quickly reduces your enjoyment of life and can lead to burnout. When we are burnout at work or school. Likely, we do not want to get up for the day, we are counting the minutes till we can leave, and we don’t enjoy things we worked so hard to achieve. 

If this is you and you’re tired of managing to just get by in the day, then learning to manage chronic stress matters. It may mean having a conversation with your boss about workload or talking with your professor. This could also mean planning out your week or month in a way that provides flexibility and allows you to be on top of it. It could also mean doing simple things for yourself like scheduling a massage or going to a yoga class for self-care. However, it is important and needs to be a necessity for you to succeed in your professional and academic life.

How do I go About Managing Chronic Stress?

Managing chronic stress is a process, but a needed self-care measure to live a fulfilling life. First, address what you want to change. Is it the amount of work you take on every month? Scheduling in breaks. Getting work done on time. Whatever your goal is name it and claim it. Take inventory of what is not working. Is it your sleep schedule, your social life, family, workload? Acknowledge and address what isn’t working. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself in all areas of your life. That means:

Person on boat in water. Anxiety, trauma, and depression are interconnected. If you're dealing with any of these issues, see how our online therapists can help. Anxiety treatment in Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York can help. Call now for support
  • Are you sleeping?

  • What kind of physical activity do you do each day?

  • How often do you go out and socialize?

  • Where is your support system?

  • How hard are you on yourself when things don’t turn out as you expected?

  • What are you doing to incorporate relaxation into your life?

Managing chronic stress means taking a look at what is working and what isn’t. By addressing what needs to be different, you’re taking the first steps in reducing the effects of stress and anxiety on your life. However, know that this won’t be perfect the first time. Make sure to be kind to yourself and give yourself grace. You will get there in time. 

Here is what you need to know about anxiety

Everyone experiences anxiety in some capacity. It is a universal experience. You don’t need to be ashamed of what you're feeling. The time we are growing up in is different than any other. Mental health is on the rise and in our culture, work and productivity are glamorized. Whereas rest and recovery are looked down upon. If anxiety is taking over your peace it’s time to get help. 

 Who will be Working With Me in Anxiety Treatment in Connecticut, New York, or New Jersey?

Here at Repose Therapy, we pride ourselves on the skill of our anxiety therapists and clinicians in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Our specialists receive rigorous training and supervision in holistic psychotherapy to help you achieve your goals.

Trauma-Informed Care is the Best Approach to Anxiety Treatment

As clinicians, we know that trauma manifests in many forms. It is not enough to be aware, but we also need to practice implementing care that acknowledges and uses trauma-informed care. Therefore, as a community of clinicians, we share a belief that we need to be trauma-informed to best serve you. You may be wondering how this helps you? Not everyone would label their experiences as trauma. However, we know that people have experienced either Big T trauma or little t trauma. Regardless of if you choose to label your experiences as trauma, our goal is to hear you. That means we won’t deny your experiences or challenge your truth. We will ask questions from an area of awareness that you may have trauma you’re not aware. Ultimately, we know that everyone deserves trauma-informed care that is compassionate and sees you as a whole person. If you’re curious about how we integrate this into your treatment let’s talk!

Lastly, We want you to Know that Anxiety Treatment is Accessible because of our Multilingual and Multicultural Team!

Individuals in booth talking. You're more than your mental health says. See how holistic psychotherapy can help you breath. Anxiety treatment in New Haven, Westchester, and Jersey City can help you heal. Call now!

An important component of our practice is our desire to show people that they belong in our space. Therapy is more than just talking to a therapist. Culture, race, spirituality, language, and religion are important components of a person’s identity. We know this matters to our clinicians and that means that it may matter to you. This is meant to be a safe space for you to find clarity and healing. We have clinicians from many cultures and languages ranging from English to Urdu to French and more. This is a safe space that honors your identity. If you believe that you would benefit from a multicultural and multilingual counseling space to overcome anxiety and chronic stress, reach out and begin anxiety treatment in New Jersey, New York, or Connecticut with us online!

Anxiety TherapyMary Breen