The Language of your Body: Using Dance/Movement Therapy to Connect and Communicate

You might find yourself asking the question of “Why do I feel so drawn to these TikTok dances? I don’t want to, but I do.”

There is an explanation for it! - In a time full of isolation, we as a society have found a way to connect over synchronous movement to create powerful feelings of unity. In studies about unconscious imitation, researchers have found that mirroring another person’s posture allows for more positive reciprocal feelings. We know from our everyday interactions that body language plays a key role in how we connect with others, so naturally, movement can also be a tool connect with others and ourselves in a non-verbal way. 

Connection is the main focus of an improvisational-based movement therapy session. Together, we can create a space where our bodies get to talk. The body, just like our mind, has its own language and we often forget to let our body follow through on the necessary communication it needs to function. Dancing can be intuitively therapeutic if we allow it to be. Most of us often feel significantly better by dancing at a social event. We don’t walk into these gatherings with the intention of feeling better, but oftentimes, moving to music results in healing. We feel invited to move our bodies when we hear music and when we do, we give our bodies a chance to respond and communicate. This allows us to create a deeper understanding of what our bodies may be holding.

Communication is another core tenant of improvisational movement therapy. We allow our bodies to oscillate between listening and responding in whichever way feels good at the moment. While I will guide us through some moments of choreographed directives, how you choose to engage with them is completely up to you. The main focus is always you. To listen in session means to turn inward and learn about your desires, your needs, and bring awareness to your mood. To respond in session means to allow the body to physically respond to the inner self in ways that allow for catharsis. Movement becomes a judgment-free, compassionate dialogue between your inner selves. Music is a constant driving force - giving your body the opportunity to unite with others via a shared rhythm.  

The physical element of movement therapy has its advantages - aerobic exercise elevates dopamine and endorphins, and reduces levels of stress anxiety, and depression. The emotional element of movement therapy allows us to become more aware and mindful of our mental state and how these feelings manifest in our physical states. It gives us a chance to truly connect with all parts of us. In session, we will intentionally awaken and engage every extremity of our physical selves and our bodies to respond to music in whichever they choose. Remembering every part of ourselves, even the parts we cannot see expands our understanding of ourselves and makes us more whole. We can grow to become more authentically ourselves and find language unaware to us to express ourselves. If this speaks to you, reach out to us to learn more about dance movement therapy, or click on this link to go to our Studio website to learn more about Repose’s offerings. Click here to explore our membership plans or click here to learn more about our Repose Studio Instructors!

- Devika Chandnani (Studio Instructor) 

Art & Dance MovementMary Breen